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Inquire About Your Next Trip

Telamon Travel is a licensed, California-based luxury travel agency serving all U.S. States and Territories.
Any form of solicitation through the below method of contact will not receive a response.

Start planning your next vacation.

Please complete the below form to submit your inquiry. Any and all information will be transmitted securely and kept confidential. Once you’ve completed the form, I will reach out with any additional questions and to set up a time for us to chat about your trip. Please, know that I will be here every step of the way throughout the planning process, during your travels, and after. 

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Tell me about your trip.

Total including yourself.
Total length of trip.
Please note your total budget for all travelers.
Which services would you like me to provide?
Please check all that apply. **Air travel can only be provided when combined with accommodations, cruise or escorted group tour.

How can I reach you?

Note: Telamon Travel is only able to provide services to those residing in the United States and U.S. Territories.
Your email will never be sold or spammed.
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